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Out now the CD version of the new NIGHT GAUNT album ‘The Room’.
Some impressions about the new album:
“Worship at the altar of true doom with Night Gaunt‘s sophomore album!” – Decibel Magazine (USA)
“Though staying on traditional paths, Night Gaunt try to create an own sound!” – Legacy (GER), 12/15
“If you are into horror-fiction-inspired, old-school doom metal you should give this a listen.” – Ave Noctum (UK)
“Fans of epic doom should check this out!” – Scream Magazine (N)
“The band weaves between old Candlemass and Celtic Frost.” – Zwaremetalen.com (NL)
“Night Gaunt evokes 90s Doom Metal!” – Vampster.com (GER)
“Dark, gloomy, spooky magic.” – Angry Metal Guy (UK)
“A genre record near perfection!” – Loud and Proud (I), 85/100
“‘The Room’ is an album steeped in doomy heaviness.” – GBHBL.com (UK)
“Night Gaunt manage to get the listener on a dark mystic trail.” – Rockway (GR)
“If you are into Doom Metal, Night Gaunt will help go through the rough days.” – Metaladdicts.com (BR)
“Addictive!” – Metalbrothers.es (E), 8.5/10
“Full of dark and funeral atmospheres!” – Metaleyes.iyezine.com (I)
Order your copy here: https://goo.gl/XZJSNg